Tuesday, 18 October 2011

JDS Labs C421 Amplifier Released.

Last week, John Seaber has quietly release the C421 headphone amplifier. This is one of the most anticipated amp from the JDS Labs CmoyBB users. Pricing at $169 for AD8620 and $165 for AD8066, they are far lower than their original pricing of $175. But of course this is still on a pre order stage so the pricing might change again. Any one that are in need of an amp please do so quickly as this sells like hot cakes. 10% of the 95 amps already have been sold out in just first 5 hours of released. Why is this interesting? Well this a successor to the famous JDS Labs CmoyBB which many regards as the best budget amp. Pricing at around $60, it is definitely one of the best amp money can buy. I can assure you this because I own the JDS Labs Cmoy. If this is truly better than the Cmoy then this will truly be a great buy. As you can see that they are two variants available with only the differences in the opamp in which one uses AD8620 and one uses AD8066. AD8066 has been one of the hottest opamp discussed in my local community and they really prefer it a lot when powering their JDS Labs CmoyBB. So don't take that a slightly cheaper price means they are more inferior. And here is the take that John have to say. "Two options are available for the primary stage opamp: AD8620 or AD8066. Our #1 choice for c421 is the AD8620, which gives smooth, refined output and excellent imaging. A/B tests deemed the AD8620 more favorable than the OPA2227 and AD8397! The AD8066 is slightly less transparent, with similar highs but greater emphasis on bass. AD8066 is better suited to driving especially high impedance headphones (300+ ohms)."
Link to preorder page
Pics after the jump.

C421 Concept Art becomes a reality.
Look At The Size. It's a little bit smaller when compared to an iPhone.
The Photo of the internal.
*Note-the estimated shipment date for the first badge/preorder units is expected to be on Nov 14th. After the first batch everything will be smoother. Remember only 95 units for the first badge, please hurry and snatch some of it.

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