Saturday, 15 October 2011

Anyone Watched This Video Before?

Anyone watched this video before? It looks like a very good video to watch. Judging from the tire mark, we can see that they have already been trying and testing for the scene many times before the final shot. Well at least such training and adjusting for the right moment really help it a lot in making this great video. There is some mistake in the forklift part but luckily the driver is fast enough to adjust to the error. It’s pretty cool that the driver can drift with a front wheel drive car which is said to be harder to drift than a rear wheel car. There is quite a lot of humor in it also especially the gorilla part. Hmm do they represent gorilla glass or just being put there for the sake of being fun? It would be great if gorilla glass ask the producer to make ads for them. I’m pretty sure it will be better than their usual ads. So after looking at the video, what do you guys think of it? Wanted to go out and buy some DC shoes and Ford Fiesta? Whatever you do just remember don’t try this at home because they are trained professional.

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